Bio 100: Biological Principles and the Human Environment


Course Schedule:



Room #:          TNR 170

Day/Time:       11:00-11:50 T R (Tuesday/Thursday)


            Room #:          TNR 258


Section 1 3.0:              8:00-10:50 R (Thursday)
Section 2 3.0:              8:00-10:50 F (Friday)
Section 3 3.0:              13:00-15:50 R (Thursday)



1.      Biology: Concepts and Connections, by Campbell, Reece, Taylor, and Simon (rental)


2.      Discover Biology, 3rd edition by Cain, Damman, Lue, and Yoon (on reserve at the library—no need to buy this one.  Another alternative is to buy each of the chapters we will read from this book—about 8 total—for the price of $1 each from )


Week-by-week **tentative** schedule of topics we will cover:


Week 1

Tuesday: Introduction to the course and the topic. What are living things?  What is Science? 

                                                Reading: (Concepts & Connections, chapter 1)

Thursday: Some components of living things: biological molecules and cells, multicellular organisms

                                                            Reading: (Concepts & Connections, chapters 3, 4, 5)

            Laboratory 1: unicellular and simple multicellular living things


Week 2

            Tuesday: living things and ecology: species and populations, exponential growth

Reading: (Discover Biology chapter 34, Concepts & Connections, chapters 36 and chapter 8 pages 126-136)

Thursday: logistic population growth, small populations, extinctions

                                                Reading: (same chapters)

            Laboratory 2: mitosis and bacterial growth experiment, week I.


Week 3

            Tuesday: Species interactions1: predation, parasitism, and mutualism

Reading: (Discover Biology chapter 35, Concepts and Connections chapter 37, first half)

            Thursday: Species interactions2: competition

                                                Reading: (same chapters)

            Laboratory 3: bacterial growth II and species interactions and the Schmeeckle Reserve


Week 4

            Tuesday: Natural Selection—introduction

                                                Reading: (Concepts and Connections chapter 13)

Thursday:  (no class!)

            Laboratory 3 continued: species interactions and the Schmeeckle Reserve


Week 5  

            Tuesday: Natural Selection—evidence and implications (case studies)

Reading: (Concepts and Connections chapter 13)

            Thursday: Midterm Exam 1  

Reading: NONE

Laboratory 4: Natural Selection



Week 6

            Tuesday: Inheritance1: Mendel and basic genetic ideas

                                                            Reading: (Concepts and Connections, chapter 9, and first half of chapter 10)

            Thursday: Inheritance2: information carrying molecules

Reading: (Concepts and Connections, chapter 8, pages 136-149, chapter 10, second half)

Laboratory 5: Meiosis and Genetics  


Week 7

            Tuesday: Replication and mutation 

            Thursday: the genetic code—basics and implications

                                                            Reading: (same chapters)

Lab:   DNA Fingerprinting


Week 8 

            Tuesday: genetics and the environment: influences of both on organisms (modern example: antibiotic resistance)

Thursday: Diseases, evolution, and ecology

                                                Reading: to be announced

            Lab: Disease Spread and Antibiotic Resistance I


Week 9 

Tuesday: more examples from agriculture and natural systems—coevolution and “evolutionary arms races”???

Reading: Discover Biology chapter 36

Thursday: the bigger ecological picture 1: communities and species diversity

                                                Reading: same chapter

            Lab: Plant adaptations, coevolutionary adaptations and fossil organisms

and Antibiotic Resistance II


Week 10 

Tuesday: Human interactions with the environment part 1: Small populations and

introduced species

Thursday: Midterm Exam II

            Lab: Introduced species


Week 11 

            Tuesday: the bigger evolutionary picture 1: how new species evolve

                                                            Reading: Concepts and Connections chapter 14

Thursday: the bigger evolutionary picture 2: the tree of life

                                                            Reading: Concepts and Connections chapter 15

            Lab: Phylogeny


Week 12 

Tuesday: Events in the evolution of life that changed the ecology of the planet, symbioses and symbiogenesis

            Thursday: basics of photosynthesis

                                                            Reading: Concepts and Connections chapters 6 and 7

            Lab: Photosynthesis


Week 13 

            Tuesday: basics of respiration

Reading: Discover Biology chapter 33, Concepts and Connections chapter 37, second half

            Thursday: (Thanksgiving Day Off!!!)


Week 14

            Tuesday: the bigger ecological picture 2: ecosystems and the biosphere

Reading: Discover Biology chapter 38, Concepts and Connections chapter 38, additional paper

            Thursday: The carbon cycle

                                                            Reading: same chapters

            Lab: The carbon cycle/nutrient cycling/climate change


Week 15

            Tuesday: Human interactions with the environment part 2: habitat alteration

Thursday: Human interactions with the environment part 3: climate change. What happens next?


            Lab: Review for final exam


Week 16: Final exams



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